Steel wire rope Balustrade kit - 5mm press terminal with wire tensioner and eyelets
Quantity from Price per piece*
1 28.03
1 23.17
15+ 27.19
15+ 22.47
Available in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 meter versions.
Kit contains
Installation instruction
1. Predrill holes for the balustrade line 5mm (depending on the hardness of the wood)
When used in concrete, use plugs 8mm, or suitable for 6mm wood thread.
2. Remove the locking pin from the fork.
3. Screw in the wood screws on both sides.
4. Cut the cable to length. Note again that the cable falls one piece into the terminal.
5.Turn the middle part of the tensioner to tension the whole.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: Is the length of the balustrade kit including the fastening materials? Answer: The meters indicated are the length of the cable. The fastening materials are additional. For example, 3 meters is 3 meters of cable + fastening materials is 3.30m. This does not include the wood screw thread.
28,03 In stock
23,17 In stock
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